
Yoga in Gujarat, India
Yoga is India’s gift to the world. Originated in the Sanatan Bharat, this practice dates back to the vedic traditions. The mention of Yoga can be found in all the Indian scriptures starting from the Maharishi Patanjali’s period. Though, today Yoga is a widely popularized name, the real pronunciation is Yoag (योग). In the day to day context, Yoga refers to the physical activities that are aligned to integrate the mind, body & soul of an individual. The practitioner of Yoga achieves self control, physical strength and ability to concentrate. With the widely gaining popularity of Yoga, many individuals have started adapting Yoga as an everyday life practice.
Yoga is the union of mind, body & soul. Yoga is a Sadhana. If you are someone who is willing to learn the art of Yoga, Shankus Natural Health Center is your place to go. Here, you can learn the basics & advanced levels of Yoga with our experts. Our specialized programs can help you start at a level you are comfortable with the most. Starting from there you can eventually excel ahead in the field. As you move ahead you can also figure out the school of Yoga (Hatha Yoga, Ashtang, Kundalini etc.) that can help you maximize your true potential. Starting yoga may look difficult but our experts are here to help you. Book a consultation call today to talk to our experts & learn weight loss exercises that can help in getting the right shape. Contact us today, to know about the best yoga training in Ahmedabad.