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December 2022

The modern society we live in puts us under constant scrutiny and judgement. One of the most important points of insecurity and discomfort for everyone is the excess weight and appearance one carries. Our body and image have become a consistent source of judgement and shame in the present scenario. We all know someone or are one of those who are consistently trying to lose weight.One of the questions we keep asking ourselves, others and the internet is, ‘How to Lose Weight?’ or ‘Weight Loss Tips’ or ‘Weight loss therapy near me’ and ‘Diet plans for weight loss.’ We must learn the right way to lose weight which will help us live a better life.Let’s explore the usefulness and benefits of the concept of Weight Loss Therapy and the different kinds of treatments and weight loss therapy available in Ahmedabad. How to lose weight? The ideal way to lose weight is defined by the physical constitution of every individual. The method to lose weight varies from one person to the other. We must consider a proper physical check-up before embarking on any strenuous therapy for weight loss and taking up different weight loss exercises. There are different kinds of therapies for weight loss available and it is important to know the benefits of weight loss therapy and the different kinds of therapies available that will suit one’s lifestyle. Benefits of Weight Loss Therapy Weight Loss therapy brings a plethora of advantages into our lives. Some of those are mentioned below: - Better Physical and Mental health - Better social interaction in the society - Better Confidence - Better Life Expectancy - Reduction of Risk associated with developing several other diseases related to higher weight. Methods used in Weight Loss Therapy Different methods are available with different weight loss therapies, some of which are stated below:- Dietary Modifications - Ayurvedic Therapy and Treatments - Physical Exercise - Medications prescribed by a physician or a doctor - Treatment for imbalances of hormones - Weight Loss Surgery - Quitting Alcohol and Smoking What is Ayurvedic Treatment for weight loss?One of the most important and impactful methods of losing weight is Ayurvedic Weight Loss therapy. This therapy involves all those ayurvedic tips for weight loss that we look for or inquire about. Ayurvedic Treatment often includes the use of ayurvedic medicine for weight loss.The Ayurvedic Treatment is based on understanding which dosha is in an imbalance in our body. Usually, it is the imbalance of Kapha Dosha which leads to weight gain. Ayurvedic Therapy

Let us start our blog with a simple disclaimer. Disclaimer: There is no evidence at this time that naturopathy can treat cancer. Naturopathy combines several different therapies, behaviour cum lifestyle change, and various naturopathic medicine as a whole system which works well as a complementary therapy. Reference Read more: http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/diagnosis-and-treatment/complementary-therapies/naturopathic-medicine/?region=on#ixzz5fPLYe4k5 But Naturopathy brings another valuable aspect on the table which needs education and awareness. When a person is detected with cancer, an allopathic treatment will focus on surgically removing the part of the body infected with the disease and giving medication for after care with radiation or chemotherapy to not let the cancer cells spread. Along with this course of treatment, it is also about supporting immune function, getting infections out of the way, offering the body everything it needs to get back to homeostasis, have regular cell communication, have a disease-free equilibrium. The body is always trying to fight itself, and naturopathy works around this fundamental principle. Hence, a naturopathy treatment plan for a cancer patient is prepared around right Nutrition, Acupuncture, Botanical medicines - they can collectively make a huge difference to a patient's day to day operations and their day to day experience with cancer and recovery. Patients, who take Naturopathy treatment do stay stronger for long and tolerate chemotherapy better. And, regardless of what some oncologists might say, there is evidence behind these therapies. Benefits of these therapies may include but aren't limited to: Reducing the side effects of chemotherapy Improving tolerance of chemotherapy Enhancing the efficacy of chemotherapy Help recover from chemotherapy Mental healing  Increasing survival rates and reducing cancer recurrence Improving the quality of life by increasing energy, reducing pain and nausea, improving appetite, etc. Education and support for patients and their family We recommend you to take advised Oncological treatment because that is an important part of cancer treatment. Alongside the chemotherapy and cancer surgeries, Naturopathy is the alternate natural course of healing solution for the scary C word.

Liver Disorder Treatment in Gujarat, India Liver diseases when not given attention in time can further lead to scarring and serious health complications. Alcohol overuse, infections, hereditary reasons - there can be multiple reasons for the liver diseases. Our experts at Shankus bring the best practices of Ayurveda and Naturopathy that can help you treat Liver Diseases in an effective way.

Hormonal Disorders treatment in Gujarat, India Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism are the two commonly known hormonal disorders that are widely known. However, there are many hormonal disorders that can lead to weight gain, fatigue, dry skin any many more challenges. Supplements, diet correction, lifestyle improvement - there are many ways our experts can help you in curing these disorders.

Neurological Disorders treatment in Gujarat, India These are the disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems. These disorders can often affect normal everyday functioning. Ayurveda and Naturopathy can help you deal with these neurological disorders. Book a consultation call with our experts and learn how they can help you deal with the challenge of neurological disorders.

Stress Management in Gujarat, India Stress emerges as a response to the everyday demands of life. While stress in the earlier times of human evolution acted as a survival mechanism, nowadays stress has become one of the leading causes of mental health disorders. The intense stress can even lead to acute clinical depression. We can’t eliminate stress from our lives, but we can definitely learn to live with it. Our programs help you do just that.

Cardiovascular Disease treatment in Gujarat, India 4.77 million people in India lost their lives due to Cardiovascular Diseases in the year 2020. A large number of people are suffering from heart disease due to intense & imbalanced lifestyles, stress and many other factors. At Shankus, our programs help you improve your everyday lifestyle which can act as a preventive measure against heart disease. Talk to our experts today to learn more

Diabetes treatment in Gujarat, India Whether it a Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes, it is possible to live a healthy normal life with diabetes. A disciplined regimen, controlled diet and everyday exercise are the key elements that can help in improving your lifestyle and counter diabetes. Check out our special programs aimed at countering diabetes, today.