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December 2022

Respiratory Diseases treatment in Gujarat, India You never have to fall short of breath ever again. Breathlessness, acute coughing and many more symptoms can signal respiratory diseases. Asthma is one such common problem that prevents one from playing their favourite sports or living life to the fullest. Our experts with the help of Naturopathy & Ayurveda can help you get over these critical respiratory diseases.

Obesity treatment in Gujarat, India Obesity acts as a root cause of multiple lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, cardiac disorders etc. However, dealing with obesity is perfectly possible. You can start with our weight management programs that are tailormade to fit your requirements. Learn with our experts about gaining a healthy body that allows you do & achieve more with your body.

Detoxification Center in Gujarat, India Detoxification is one of the integral aspects of rejuvenation. It involves cleansing of the blood & elimination of toxins that balance our doshas. Strengthening the functioning of kidneys, lungs, lymphatic systems, and skin helps in improving the natural detoxification of our bodies. Dietary changes, everyday regimen, pranayam sadhanas - our experts design a customized wellness pathway that helps you detoxify your body.

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Metabolic Winter Winter is a time to hot coca, cookies and the warmth of the hearth. These tempting treats, with a slowdown in physical activity will mean more calories- an excellent recipe for weight gain. Feeling cold is a symptom of slow metabolism and this is because of the thyroid's role in regulating metabolism. What Is Naturopathic Medicine Obesity is supposed to be a gift of modern life style. Obesity itself is a disease as well as breeding ground of numerous diseases. It is one of the most serious health problems of this century even though it is one of the leading causes of preventable death. Finally, the obese body provides the perfect soil for diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, gall bladder disease, atherosclerosis, and many other imbalances to grow But fear not. The solution is naturopathy. This is because our bodies have the innate instinct toward self-healing. Naturopathy can identify and remove the barriers to self-healing. Naturopathic Treatment At Shankus Natural Health Centre we use a variety of treatment modalities like exotic herbs and nutritional supplement. Our therapies also include: Mind-body therapies Yoga : asanas and pranayama Steam and sauna bath Hot water immersion with Epsom salt. Abdominal pack Herbal friction Acupressure Physical activity Hot oil massage Lifestyle counselling Tips to avoid Obesity Do not over sleep. Limit high-fat and sugar food/drink. Encourage water intake. Eat low calories and fibre rich food. Green tea Exercise and Yoga. Why Shankus? Naturopathy treats food as medicine and diet is an integral part of our treatments. At Shanku's our doctors tailor your diet to meet your body needs. Our weight management techniques will help to eliminate excess fat, increase the body's basal metabolic rate and will help you shed that extra baggage you have been carrying and at the same time streamline your body in just matter of weeks. The detoxification process removes blockages to put your body into balance. Our specialist doctors will guide you towards the results you would like to achieve. Our treatment helps to reduce cholesterol levels, prevent lipid depositions; promising you years of healthy, active and vigorous life. Just 7 to 10 days with SNHC will not only give you a good physical shape but will change your thoughts, emotions and lifestyle for the better. So visit our center and enjoy the obesity vacation. Obesity is a global problem and is now Globesity. We are sure you do not want to be a part of Globesity

Naturopathy Treatment for arthritis Arthritis is a group of painful and degenerative conditions marked by inflammation in the joints that causes stiffness and pain. But the cause for joint pain can be anything from the 100 types of Arthritis. It is considered to be the leading cause of disability in the world. And it gets worse as the age of the patient progresses. Even if you don't have Arthritis now, you must take steps to prevent it. In India, nearly 180 million people are affected by Arthritis. But the good news is Naturopathy is considered the most effective shield and hope against Arthritis. It is the only science which puts you back in action and promotes healthy lifestyle.  Dos& Don'ts for arthritis Hydrotherapy:  is the treatment using different forms of water. Hydrothermal therapy additionally uses its temperature effects, as in hot and warm baths, saunas, wraps, Jacuzzi etc. for improved blood circulation. Meditation With relaxation techniques, you have stress reduction and therefore decreased inflammation and less pain, Acupuncture increases the production of endorphins, natural pain relievers, Have a healthy diet which promotes healing of the joints Manage weight to reduce the pressure on joints. Yoga is thebest natural method to beat joint pain, stiffness and discomfort, Quit smoking as it can increase arthritis pain. Reduce eating nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, and tobacco. Exercise:  movement can decrease your pain and stiffness, improve your range of motion, strengthen your muscles, and increase your endurance. Avoid high impact aerobics, running and repeating the same movements. Yoga for Arthritis The key to dealing with arthritis is get moving. Yoga is definitely a time tested and proven option for people with arthritis. Practicing yoga regularly can reduce pain, increase flexibility, improve function and lower stress. Yoga is proven to improve many physical and psychological symptoms and promote better sleep. At SNHC, you can use the natural remedies under the supervision and guidance of our experts. With summer approaching, learn to live with the heat using the magic of Naturopathy. Free your mind and body from the pain, and enjoy the Winter! For more details:Contact us on : 9099080086 OR Visit : www.shankusnaturalhealth.org/

We feel lethargic and prefer eating comfort food that can be unhealthy; full of carbohydrates and insoluble fats which may lead to a lot of unwanted trouble. It is very important to keep our body void of such problems. Following is the list of things we should focus to keep our mind, body and soul fit Food Consumption: It is very important for us to consume the right kind of food that is filling, healthy and makes us feel energetic yet is light on our tummy. Seasonal vegetables like Beet, Carrots, Turnips, Radish, Spinach, Mustard leaves (Sarson Saag) and Fenugreek Leaves (Methi) should be eaten more as they are rich in nutrients like Iron, Calcium and Vitamin B, C, D, K, E. Raw ginger and turmeric have medical qualities, An Amla a day keeps all ailments away and boosts our metabolism and helps our body in fighting cold. A lot of people don’t like playing sports but still want to stay fit. For such people, Yoga is the best thing ever. It makes our body flexible, calms our mind and awakens our soul spiritually. Pranayama is very important in curing asthma, heart problems, hypertension, anxiety and depression. It also improves blood circulation. Massages and Steam: Our Skin, hair, muscles, joints and bones suffer a lot in winters. To give our skin and hair a healthy glow and to keep our body parts limber, going for a variety of massages and steam baths are an essential part of our winter regime. A lot of people have incessant joint pains and some massages help us in keeping such problems under control. Balinese, Swedish and deep tissue massage, all of them believe in a holistic treatment of incorporating long gliding strokes, acupressure and aromatherapy that help in rejuvenating the body and soul. Steam baths open our pores and get rid of dirt and dead skin. Techniques like Shirodhara with Oil, Milk and ghee, Potali massage, Navrakizhi, Basti and Sarvang Dhara revitalize our hair skin and lend a radiant glow that is irreplaceable. Come, be a part of Shankus Natural Health Center and feel a difference in your overall health and bring happiness and contentment in your life.