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Winter therapies for all Naturopathy patrons

We feel lethargic and prefer eating comfort food that can be unhealthy; full of carbohydrates and insoluble fats which may lead to a lot of unwanted trouble. It is very important to keep our body void of such problems. Following is the list of things we should focus to keep our mind, body and soul fit

Food Consumption: It is very important for us to consume the right kind of food that is filling, healthy and makes us feel energetic yet is light on our tummy. Seasonal vegetables like Beet, Carrots, Turnips, Radish, Spinach, Mustard leaves (Sarson Saag) and Fenugreek Leaves (Methi) should be eaten more as they are rich in nutrients like Iron, Calcium and Vitamin B, C, D, K, E. Raw ginger and turmeric have medical qualities, An Amla a day keeps all ailments away and boosts our metabolism and helps our body in fighting cold.

A lot of people don’t like playing sports but still want to stay fit. For such people, Yoga is the best thing ever. It makes our body flexible, calms our mind and awakens our soul spiritually. Pranayama is very important in curing asthma, heart problems, hypertension, anxiety and depression. It also improves blood circulation.

Massages and Steam: Our Skin, hair, muscles, joints and bones suffer a lot in winters. To give our skin and hair a healthy glow and to keep our body parts limber, going for a variety of massages and steam baths are an essential part of our winter regime. A lot of people have incessant joint pains and some massages help us in keeping such problems under control. Balinese, Swedish and deep tissue massage, all of them believe in a holistic treatment of incorporating long gliding strokes, acupressure and aromatherapy that help in rejuvenating the body and soul. Steam baths open our pores and get rid of dirt and dead skin.

Techniques like Shirodhara with Oil, Milk and ghee, Potali massage, Navrakizhi, Basti and Sarvang Dhara revitalize our hair skin and lend a radiant glow that is irreplaceable.

Come, be a part of Shankus Natural Health Center and feel a difference in your overall health and bring happiness and contentment in your life.